I've been called many things during my 29 years, 11 months and 3 days here on earth. But, nothing like being called Jenn "the homorrhoid" Hee.
You might be wondering why someone would call me a condition related to constipation and diarrhea. Believe me, I wondered the same thing. I thought, "How dare they! Hemorrhoid's are irritating little things that swell and inflame your veins in the 'okole (butt/rectum/ass/behind). And then, it hit me like a ton of bricks. They weren't calling me irritating (although, I know I can be at times), but rather, I tend to get highly irritable, just like a hemorrhoid!
So, what's the cure for a hemorrhoid? The real severe cases require the rubber band treatment (gross!), injection therapy or laser surgery. I'll take the enema. For now, since my case is low-medium severity, I'll just work on flushing out my dirty insides and cleaning out the junk to get rid of my hemorrhoidal behavior.
hello!! Very interesting discussion glad that I came across such informative post. Keep up the good work friend. Glad to be part of your net community. how to get rid of hemorrhoids
hello!! Very interesting discussion glad that I came across such informative post. Keep up the good work friend. Glad to be part of your net community. workout supplements for cheap
Great post!
"Eat more fiber" and "stay hydrated" - that's the advice everyone gets about hemorrhoids. And it really works pretty well. I strongly recommend you to have a peek here in order to find out more information about specific foods that can help this painful problem and ways to work them into your meals.
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