I've been having a number of brain farts recently. What are brain farts you ask? In my medium to semi-severe case, brain farts are moments of forgetfulness. Bubbles of air that are formed in your brain that **poof** release tidbits of information that you were intending to store somewhere in there. It's when your brain ceases to function normally for a split second.
Here's my list of recent brain farts...all in a time frame of 24 hours. The Ginkgo Biloba I took three months ago hasn't kicked in just yet.
1) I looked at my boyfriend and said, "Damn...for a split second there, I forgot your name." (His reaction = "WTF?!")
2) I forgot to put my bra on and went to work bra-less.
(I thought it was a bit breezier than usual and finally figured out why.)
3) I drove away from the gas station and didn't recap my gas tank.
(The good news is that I didn't drive off with the pump still in my tank like how my aunty did!)
4) I sent the same email to the same person 3 times.
(Sad...very sad.)
5) Left my phone at home.
(I usually never leave the house without my wallet, keys, phone.)
6) I used the maximum number of tries to enter my pin at the ATM.
(No money = no lunch)
7) I forgot to zipper my pants after using the restroom.
(This is turning into a bad habit.)
8) I stopped mid-sentence while giving a presentation and said, "Crap, what am I speaking about again?!"
(Note to self: Never disclose to the audience that you have absolutely NO clue what you're talking about.)
9) Got off of the elevator, walked to my apartment door, and wondered why my key wasn't working. (After a few expletives, I realized that I got off on the wrong floor and was trying to open someone else's door.)
10) Found the stove on when I woke up in the morning.
(Ok...yikes!...Thank you Jesus nothing serious happened).
If my boobs weren't attached to my body, I probably would've forgotten to put them on this day, too. If anyone has a cure for the common brain fart, please contact me immediately.